Lip, Lipstick, Urban Decay, Vice Lipstick

Bad Blood Revolution :D

It's the season of reds - red's all around. And because its celebration time, well, you need to look put together. Nothing says that better than a red lip - classic and elegant. If it is matte - even better. One of my favourite brands Urban Decay - has a favourite matte deep red of… Continue reading Bad Blood Revolution 😀

Jouer Cosmetics, Lip, Skinny Dip Jouer

A little Skinny Dip for the Lip!

Although matte lipsticks are my favourite, I cannot tolerate liquid lipsticks. I had pretty much given up on all formulae till I heard a couple bloggers rave about the Jouer Lipsticks. I guess they raved about the topper a tad more than the lippies themselves, which is why when Skinny Dip was restocked, it was promptly ordered… Continue reading A little Skinny Dip for the Lip!

Balm / Stains, Lancome JUicy Shaker, Lip, Makeup

We are Mint to Be!

When I first started blogging, it was somewhat spurred by my love of Lancome Juicy Shakers and I wrote an article on the first one I bought and continue to love that till now. The Mango scent and feel of it on the lips, luscious! However, I could not for the life of me find the… Continue reading We are Mint to Be!

Goldeb Root Mask, Masks, Skin Care, Skincare, Wei

Wei, my pimples are gone!

I am back to being "punny" if you have noticed, and if it was an eyesore - sorry, I just couldn't help it. I have had a massive adult acne breakout since few months and it just wouldn't clear up. I ended up ordering several masks and creams to combat it, but it would again start after… Continue reading Wei, my pimples are gone!

Ambient Lighting Palette, Finishing Powder, Highlighter, Hourglass, Makeup, Palette, Powder

Ambient Palette – Hourglass

This little number broke the internet when it was released. Sadly, Hourglass is not sold in the UAE (ranting inside at the injustice), but you can order it online from Glamazle or Alshop. Mine cost me nearly 275/- AED including shipping, and believe me I have been very happy with this purchase. When it arrived, it was… Continue reading Ambient Palette – Hourglass